ExE Hire and Develop the Best

Most of this content has been taken from the book “Exponential Entrepreneur” By Mynor Schult bestseller author.

ExE only hires “A” players and with every hiring and promotion, they keep raising the performance bar. ExE has a keen eye to recognize the exceptional talent in people and employees.

When they are ready to expand their business and there is time to hire more team members, they always have one question: Will this new member move the company towards success or not?

ExE is always willing to coach others, and they find out that the best coachable people are type “A” collaborators. ExE works with their employees and they keep inventing new ways to develop, not just their businesses, but their team members. 

They know that the best investment in their business is people. That is why according to Jeff Bezos “I’d rather interview 50 people and not hire anyone than hire the wrong person.”

I have had many entrepreneurs friends that intellectually understand fairly well the anatomy of an Exponential Entrepreneur, but still, they can not accelerate their progress or grow their business the way they would love. 

Most of the time, after a detailed consultant session to analyzing their business, I found that they have a weak MTP or a non-existing one.

For more information please visit www.VidaFabulosa.com and to purchase Mynor Schult’s book visit 

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